MS Coordinator : Manage KM1 - With pre departure Counselling | Scribe

MS Coordinator : Manage KM1 - With pre departure Counselling

    • EuropaEuropa

    Create a case in KM1

    Navigate to <>
    Click "Cases". You will be redirected to your "All Cases" section.
    Click "**Create RIAT Case**"
    Select the Country of return from the scroll down menu
    Select "Under which project will the reintegration take place?" . If it is EURP please select *"EU Reintegration Programme (EURP)"*
    Select the "EU Country" from which the return is taking place
    Select Your "Organisation" from the scroll down menu
    Select "Which reintegration partner do you want to send the application to?\*"
    Click "**Save**" to create your case and to start to fill in Key Moment 1 (KM1)
    !! The information provided in this first page cannot be further edited.
    **Tip!** Your case is now visible in your "my cases" and "all cases" section. The status of your case is now **"Case registration"**. **Your case is now visible to colleagues within your own organization**, but not yet to the Reintegration Partner.

    Application : Case Information KM1 tab

    Upload an ID document of the applicant under "Please add the document 'ID details of the return file" field and click on "**Add File**"
    Click "**Choose the file**" (the ID document from the principal applicant)
    Click "**Encrypt and upload**"
    Repeat the process to **add**, **upload** and **encrypt** the "**Signed consent sheet**" of the applicant(s). Then **click** on "**Migrant/s consent obtained**"
    Even though the "**Signed consent sheet**" field is not marked as mandatory in RIAT, it is **still compulsory under certain Projects, including the EURP.**
    In the section "ID and family composition of the return file", please update the following fields: "**Gender**", the "**Date of Birth**" and "**Nationality by travel document"** according to the principal's applicant situation.
    **Tip!** If you are using a **National reference code** per person or file, you can encode it here to be able to search or display your case with this reference.
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