ENG - Focal point : request to the Member State to confirm the departure of the beneficiary | Scribe

ENG - Focal point : request to the Member State to confirm the departure of the beneficiary

    • EuropaEuropa
    If KM1 is validated, 30 days after the confirmed date of departure, the focal point can request to the MS to confirm that the beneficiary departed.
    Navigate to [https://reintegration-assistance-tool.ec.europa.eu/riat-case/17279](https://reintegration-assistance-tool.ec.europa.eu/riat-case/17279)
    Go to your "Inbox".
    The Status you can act upon are "Open in KM2 - Case assigned to Focal Point"
    Click on the case you wish to work on.
    Click "Request to confirm departure - KM2"
    Provide an explanation and select a reason in the dropdown menu.
    Click "Continue" to finalize.
    The case will now appear in your "Outbox" or "All cases" sections
    Under the status : "Request to confirm departure".
    Tip! If the Member state confirms the departure, the status will revert to "Open in KM2 - Case assigned to Focal Point". If the Member state confirms the "non-departure", the case will [[transitioned to ]]*Not departed (CLOSED). This action is not reversible.*
    For any further question contact the RIAT helpdesk.
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