ENG - Manage KM3 (RP Focal Point) | Scribe

ENG - Manage KM3 (RP Focal Point)

    • EuropaEuropa

    Find your case open in KM3

    Navigate to [https://reintegration-assistance-tool.ec.europa.eu/riat-cases?project=1749&ms=1335&tid_2=All&tid_3=All&tid_4=All&field_return_type_value=All&author=&casereference=&riat_workflow_state=All&riat_case_date_field=created&riat_case_date%5Bmin%5D=&riat_case_date%5Bmax%5D=&assigned=any&value=&items_per_page=20](https://reintegration-assistance-tool.ec.europa.eu/riat-cases?project=1749&ms=1335&tid_2=All&tid_3=All&tid_4=All&field_return_type_value=All&author=&casereference=&riat_workflow_state=All&riat_case_date_field=created&riat_case_date%5Bmin%5D=&riat_case_date%5Bmax%5D=&assigned=any&value=&items_per_page=20)
    To find the case you need to work on, Click "All Cases" or "Inbox"
    Filter the case with the Status: "Open in KM3 - Case assigned to Focal Point"
    Click on the case that you want to work on.

    Encode data in KM3

    To encode data in the case first Click on "Edit"
    Go to the section "Final Report" "Case Information (KM3)" to start encoding your datas based on the situation of your case.
    Provide information in "Please describe to which activity the reintegration budget has contributed. Please also elaborate on the situation of the person(s) of the return file." field.
    Upload all the proofs of payment needed, based on the project rules under which you are working on.
    Fill in the final budget based on the expenses made.
    Upload any other relevant documents based on the rules from the project under which you are working
    Encode the rest of the information, based on the situation of the beneficiary.
    Fill in the second tab of the Final report "Final meeting", based on the situation of the beneficiary
    Fill in the third tab of the Final report "Feedback from the Implementing partner (KM3)", based on your personal assessment of the file.

    Save the data

    Click on "Save" to save the data encoded.

    Submit your case to your Coordinator

    Once you are ready to submit the case to your coordinator, Click "Submit case (for confirmation) - KM3"
    Click "Continue"
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