VA25P044V01 - Project Management Assistant
Implemented by ICMPD and funded by the European Commission (DG HOME), the Return and Reintegration Facility (RRF) supports European Member States (MS) and Schengen Associated Countries to increase the effectiveness of their return and reintegration programming.
The RRF provides operational and financial support to MS to facilitate the development of solutions and activities with an EU-added value in the area of return and reintegration, whilst bridging gaps between existing initiatives. In parallel, the RRF supports the implementation of the EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration. The RRF Team is composed of 4 main teams: 1) Facility Support and Knowledge Office, 2) RIAT (Reintegration Assistance Tool) Team, 3) Operational Support to Returns Team, and 4) Referral and Local Ownership Team.
A core component on the RRF is to support DG HOME in the EU-wide digitalisation of return and reintegration. RRF takes responsibility for the further development and implementation by MS of the Reintegration Assistance Tool (RIAT), a platform that digitalises counselling efforts and reintegration case management.
To cover all tasks related to this, RRF has built and is now reinforcing a structure that leads further system development (combining and compromising input from different MS and other stakeholders), provides implementation support to Member States (MS) and ensures daily maintenance and smooth running of the platform (helpdesk, data cleaning, bottleneck detection etc.).
For this focus on system maintenance, ICMPD Brussels (through RRF) is looking for 2 Project Management Assistants. The project assistants will work in the RIAT Maintenance Team within the broader RRF RIAT team. Tasks are concrete, well-defined and focus on monitoring data flows, prepare data reporting, manage the system helpdesk, testing new functionalities and brief the RRF RIAT team on overall system hygiene and on the standards that different stakeholders apply when using RIAT. All this input has to be structured and updated in interactive datasets for each stakeholder.
Besides these routine tasks there is the somewhat more open challenge of contributing to the production and cross-checking of statistical overviews, reports and presentations and providing support in summarising and visualising RIAT-data in support of further analytical work.
For this function, RRF is looking for highly motivated persons with a technical mindset and a process-oriented approach that are not afraid of routine work and that can find satisfaction in the daily processes working well, uninterrupted and fluent.
The 2 Project Management Assistants will report to Project Officer leading the RIAT Maintenance Team.